Work is planned as far as possible so that the last engine to arrive on one of the maintenance tracks is the first out, to avoid unnecessary shunting and the re-positioning of locomotives still receiving attention.
Triad above all substance, super-divine and above the good, guide of the Christians into the Divine Wisdom, conducting us to that above agnosy, i.e., the unknowable, to the highest clearness and the super-eminent height.
Though this might seem to be a performance-contigent reward, there are well-known tricks for posting comments that wil be well-received, even though they contribute little to the conversation, such as resposting popular comments from previous conversations or reciting inside jokes. Such activities earned their own colloquial name karma whoring.
Reveal tie fixings are achieved by placing telescopic extending tubes across the window openings and wedging them against the window ingoes (reveals).