Feminists are ditching the pink pussyhats during this year's Womens' Marches across the country for fear that they make some participants feel they aren't welcome.
In 1927, when United Air Lines began service over a hippity-hop route between San Francisco and Chicago, Cheyenne again rather than Denver was picked as a stop.
Web 3.0 refers to the third stage in the evolution of the Web that now has significant extension in the types of data, people, and interactions, along with heterogeneity and scale.
This interpretation, though it doth not suppose an eternal separation from Christ to be the matter of the Apostle's actual wish, at one time or other, or upon one consideration or other, wherein it differs from the former; yet it rendereth it as a thing wishable, or which the Apostle could and would wish, in case the two impediments specified, which render it de facto unwishable, were or could be removed out of the way.