When Mussolini was a young chap, he dabbled with socialism, imagining it to be an open sesame to a better society.
Where a Man happened to be eminent for Power, for Virtue, for Riches, or for Credit, he became sole Magistrate, and the State assumed a monarchical Form; if many of pretty equal Eminence out-topt all the rest, they were jointly elected, and this Election produced an Aristocracy; those, between whose Fortune or Talents there happened to be no such Disproportion, and who had deviated loss from the State of Nature, retained in common the supreme Administration, and formed a Democracy.
And this new Donation of the ecstacies of the Saints was a noble foundation for what he was now projecting , the Farce of DIABOLISM and EXORCISMS.
Religion and Society in Latin America
This is how an octopoid 'controlled economy' generates a proliferating 'black economy'.