It was the only name anybody seemed to know him by, “Kieselguhr” being a kind of fine clay, used to soak up nitroglycerine and stabilize it into dynamite.
I can understand why people read horoscopes, but for me it's a bunch of fiddle-faddle.
Now, beshrew his heart, quoth jolly Robin, that would deny a butcher. And, moreover, I will go dine with you all, my sweet lads, and that as fast as I can hie. Whereupon, having sold all his meat, he closed his stall and went with them to the great Guild Hall.
[…] finding that he could not shake off the hounds, turned to the left towards the Saltwater River, and rushing down a precipitous and stony approach to the river, he instantly took soil in very deep water, with the pack clustering round him.