Though on some occasions the mahouts accompany the koomkies up to the saun, yet it is safer, and generally the most sure and easy mode, for them to dismount in some contiguous cover with their blankets and ropes, leading the koomkies to the saun, towards which they proceed in the most cunning style.
Pettitt (1990) has advocated the use of sort/search codes to aid the computerisation of specimen records, and Heppell (1990) has outlined a biocode system for taxonomic names.
Let me just make certain things clear. With regards to HongKong-->Xianggang, since I now use exclusively Mandarin, I am only calling the city by its MANDARIN CHINESE name just as Cantonese speakers say Hearng Korng and Zhejiangese and Fujianese and Shanghainese call it differently.
What a pity there is not some mental calomel! for Mr. Lushington's equanimity was in a bilious fever with Edward Lorraine's appearance of luxurious enjoyment.