His turban, or mandil [mandīl], was of finest white silk interwoven with gold, bestudded with pearl[s] and carbuncles; …
It is not immediately obvious that a random variable with distribution f(x) can be produced by the Gibbs sequence of (2.3) or that the sequence even converges. That this is so relies on the Markovian nature of the iterations, which we now develop in detail for the simple case of a 2 × 2 table with multinomial sampling.
The blindness that psychoanalysis had for penetrating anal sexuality as an active sexual construct, and for receptive anal sexuality as a possibly vigorous, muscular, and active option, was surely multiply determined, and without doubt related to a similar undervaluation of the active workings and possibilities that can be a part of vaginal receptivity.
If you're a Chicagoan, you will find something in each that you didn't know about; nonnatives will find something in each they'll wish they'd read before making their last trip.