We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;[…]
As fair Grimalkin, who, though the youngeſt of the Feline Family, degenerates not in Feroſity from the elder Branches of her Houſe, and though inferior in Strength, is equal in Fierceneſs to the noble Tyger himſelf, when a little Mouſe, whom it hath long tormented in Sport, eſcapes from her Clutches for a while, frets, ſcolds, growls, ſwears; but if the Trunk, or Box, behind which the Mouſe lay hid, be again removed, ſhe flies like Lightning on her Prey, and, with envenomed Wrath, bites, ſcratches, mumbles, and tears the little Animal.
Yes, said Bruno; but they went so slowly and so fewly, I didn't care to count them.
There will be no impropriety, I trust, if I embrace within the limits of my toast the Lady Mayoress, and the Lady Sheriffesses—if there be such a title.