The stump was dipped in boiling oil to cicatrize the wound.
[…] the array of experts who have collaborated to found the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and co-author The Crop Circle Enigma, the parents of cereology […]
By following a strategy similar to that described for cocaine, that is, testing for a significant relationship between potencies of amphetamine-like compounds in drug self-administration studies and potencies at the dopamine transporter (Ritz and Kuhar, 1989), we were unable to establish such a relationship.
[W]hilſt we were drinking a Glaſs of Wine, in came four of the Gang with their Hats ſtanding a Tiptoe on their Heads, and cock'd up, as if the Brims were Nail'd to the Crowns, with a whole Smith's Shop about their Swords, and a Tanners Warehouſe about their middle.