Compare New York Magazine theater critic John Simon's description of Liza Minnelli whom he once said was beagle-faced with lips that were blubberous and unable to resist the pull of gravity.
Whenever there is transcendence, vertical Being, imperial State in the sky or on earth, there is religion; and there is Philosophy whenever there is immanence, even if it functions as arena for the agon and rivalry (the Greek tyrants do not constitute an objection to this, because they are wholeheartedly on the side of the society of friends such as it appears in their wildest, most violent rivalries). Perhaps these two possible determinations of philosophy as Greek are profoundly linked. Only friends can set out a plane of immanence as a ground from which idols have been cleared. In Empedocles, Love lays out the plane, even if she does not return to the self without enfolding Hatred as movement that has become negative showing a subtranscendence of chaos (the volcano) and a supertranscendence of a god.
Having examin'd also several kinds of Mushroms, I finde their texture to be somewhat of this kind, that is, to consist of an infinite company of small filaments, every way contex'd and woven together, so as to make a kind of cloth […].
The conference was a major coup for Robarts, who received congratulations for his 'expert handling' of the 'risky venture.'