This taint he follow'd with his sword, drawn from a silver sheath, Which lifting high, he struck his helm full where his plume did stand, On which it piecemeal brake, and fell from his unhappy hand.
In some subtle manner every man jack of the 260 Rotarian membership of Houston feels, knows and reflects the knowledge that he is an integral part of the livest organization in the city.
“Let me tell you, when I stopped pimpin’, I was real negative about quitting,” Rosebudd says. “I thought I was giving up being a motherfucker. Now to a hustler, being a motherfucker is what you strive for. So when someone says ‘Rosebudd’s a motherfucker,’ that’s the highest compliment you can get because they’ve run out of adjectives. I was depressed until I realized that I was not stopping being a motherfucker, I was stopping pimpin’. I just had to become a motherfucker in another arena.”
The other arena in which Rosebudd, aka John Dickson, is aiming for motherfuckerdom is writing.