“The Enduring Appeal of Seeing Trump as Chess Master in Chief”, in New York Times, 2017-05-31: “Steve Bannon, who once referred to Trump as a “blunt instrument” for his ideology, risks 4-D-chess-playing his way straight out of his position of influence, as his president has reportedly become either annoyed or threatened by his attempts to cast himself as the real grandmaster.”
In Kenwyne Jones and John Carew, the big Norway international on loan from Aston Villa, Pennant enjoyed the benefit of a pair of almost unmissable targets, and the former Liverpool man's cultured delivery from the right flank frequently made life uncomfortable for Ben Foster in the Birmingham goal.
Although at the commencement of the voyage I had been in bad health, and was at all times of a delicate constitution, I suffered less than any of us, being much less reduced in frame, and retaining my powers of mind in a surprising degree, while the rest were completely prostrated in intellect, and seemed to be brought to a species of second childhood, generally simpering in their expressions, with idiotic smiles, and uttering the most absurd platitudes.
, Bk.I, New York, 2001, p.156:
Elixation is the seething of meat in the stomach, by the said natural heat, as meat s boiled in a pot; to which corruption or putrefaction is opposite.