I told them of the grave, becoming, and ſublime deportment they ſhould aſſume upon this myſtical occaſion, and read them two homilies and a theſis of my own compoſing, in order to prepare them.
Or, alas, might not one rather attribute it to Diana in the shape of Hunger? To some twin Dioscuri, OPPRESSION and REVENGE; so often seen in the battles of men?
But the dance should not be a slovenly crowd of indifferent and ungraceful shamblers […]
This same token should be of Luces the emperor, and of the Senators [of Rome], who with him came from Rome [thither]; ' and in the same wise, they there gan fall;' what Merlin in foredays said, all they it found there, as they did ere, and subsequently well everywhere; ere Arthur were born, Merlin it all [all it is] predicted.