Come on, Clover! Let’s go back to the salon! You can drown your sorrows in a pedi!
Apocatastasis, A name given in the history of theology to the doctrine which teaches that a time will come when all free creatures will share in the grace of salvation.
And there is a great deal to be said about [Anna] Netrebko and [Edita] Gruberová after the 2000s, including the deep sense of loss one feels when a figure like Gruberová prepares to leave the stage, and the curiosity – mixed with skepticism – that I personally feel about Netrebko’s new career phase, which on the one hand seems like a genuine maturing and on the other has aspects of a more self-conscious, Madonna-like reinvention.
The bullet must then jump some distance before it enters the leade of the rifling in the barrel. There is always some tendency for skidding to occur before the rifling fully engages […]