In 1885, one hundred and ten years after the American Declaration of Independence, a young Chinese medical doctor named Sun Yat-sen began preaching his revolutionary principles. Ten years later, in 1895, he founded in Honolulu the first Chinese revolutionary party with what then must have seemed an unbelievably ambitious aim of overthrowing the monarchical system of government which had been in continuous existence in China for forty centuries.
I shall confine my remarks to the flyers, and say nothing about the toy birds, which include powters, nuns, tumblers, jacobins, and many other species, which by their respective fanciers are held in as high estimation as the best carriers.
His daughter, that sumph that was Mistress Bruce, fair jumped as she heard the bang of the door ….
It is well known in Artas as in other villages exactly what the bride price should customarily be—so much for a cousin bride, so much more for a village bride, more still for a stranger.