[T]he stage at which mother showed herself to her infant in her true colours was whilst breast feeding was still going on, and any difficulties that belonged to toddlerhood had their roots reaching back to this stage.
There are seven factories in Chicago alone, each turning out from 2000 to 18,000 lbs. per day of suene or lard butter. Car-loads of this bogus butter are being shipped eastward daily.
Now large tracts of land are given over to the cultivation of the camphor laurel.
At length, one night, when the company by ſome accident broke up much ſooner than ordinary, ſo that the candles were not half burnt out, ſhe was not able to reſiſt the temptation, but reſolved to have them ſome way or other. Accordingly, as ſoon as the hurry was over, and the ſervants, as ſhe thought, all gone to ſleep, ſhe ſtole out of her bed, and went down ſtairs, naked to her ſhift as ſhe was, with a deſign to ſteal them […]