He swans around that stinking office in his expensive clothes that are a little too tight for comfort, he swans around that stinking office without a care in the world.
The triungulinids may be forcibly removed by the bee, as was observed by Smith (1859) with regard to Andrena trimmerana.
Sometimes I e-mail a quick thank-you-for-increasing-my-googlability to a blogger, hoping they'll mention the thank you, adding another page to my number.
It has heretofore mainly consisted in the addition of rice, sand, and shop-sweepings, but recently a trade has sprung up in the sale of “poivrette” or “pepperette,” a substance which is made in Italy by grinding olive stones, and is sold in this country at about 1d. a lb., whereas the price of the pepper with which it is mixed is from 8d. to 1s.6d. a lb.