[…] But older sistergirls do feel a real strong sense, a real responsibility, to look after the little sistergirls because they know they've got a hard time ahead.
Absence of parallel movement of the eyes indicates disconjugate gaze disturbance (Figure 12.8).
And the Necessarian asserts, that if, in any given state of mind, with respect both to dispositions and motives, two different determinations, or volitions, be possible, it can be on no other principle, than that one of them should come under the description of an effect without a cause; just as if the beam of a balance might incline either way, though loaded with equal weights.
[…] take a pint of Hippocras, halfe a pound of sweet butter, two or three Nutmeg, little Vinegar, poure it into the Pye in the Oven and let it lye and soake an hour, then take it out, and when it is cold stop the vent hole.