Yet here she is allowed her virgin crants, / Her maiden strewments, and the bringing home / Of bell and burial.
With DVDs steadily joining VHS cassettes as extinct technology, what has become of the fun, insightful mixed bag that movie fans came to know as bonus features — the audio commentaries, behind-the-scenes featurettes, bloopers, deleted scenes and alternate endings?
That the three pricinpall faculties of the ſoule, the vnderſtanding, the imagination and memorie are diſtinguiſhed by three ſeverall Cells or Ventricles in the braine, the imaginatiō(as is cōceiued)being cōfined to the forepart, the memory to the hinder part, and judgement or vnderſtanding to the middle part thereof; which opinion Laurentius confutes, and Fermelius derides, makeing them all to be diſperſed thorow all the receptacles of the braine, in as much as ſomtime when the whole braine is diſaffected, the operation but of one of thoſe faculties is hurt; and ſometimes againe when but one ventricle is hurt, the operation of all the three faculties are hindered.
But the De profundis has only eight verses and so it is not surprising that all of it should have been adapted.