The genius, in the French sense, of creole is its tendency to form phrases with a minimum of connectives, often through the use of suffixive combinations […]
It seems reasonable to conjecture that there is some property that is responsible for all the shatterings, because the operations that have produced the shatterings have all been similar (droppings of glass) […]
For parabolic equations (Section 5.1) and for the exterior Dirichlet problem (Section 5.2), it is possible to apply the well known mean value theorems.
The villages of Tailu, Beijiao, and Xiubang in the Tailu township in Lienchiang county and Kungtung, Kunghsi, Yantai, and Wenwo in Haidao township in Xiapu county in Fujian Province were randomly selected for this cross-sectional investigation, which took place from July, 2011 to November, 2011.…
Inclusion criteria were voluntary participants aged 30 years or more living in Tailu and Haidao townships for more than 5 years.