Although the exact sound value of s remains uncertain, and there is only one such sibiliant in Hittite, it is traditionally transliterated with a so-called haček: š. This should not be taken, however, as evidence that it was a palatal sound (as sh in show). The same is true for the traditional “rocker” under the laryngeal ḫ: there is no other h-sign, and the diacritic is not strictly necessary.
If then it ſhall appeare that the daily bread allowed by the Ancients to their ſervants & ſouldiers, was no more then is by vs allowed at this day to ours, it will, as I take it, from thence be more then probablely inferred, that the common ſtature & ſtrength of our bodies, is not ſomuch inferiour to theirs, as is commonly ſuppoſed.
The prisoners were sentenced to three years' hard.
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