Domitilla, Flavia, niece of the emperor Domitian (81-96). She and her husband, Flavius Clemens (consul in 95 and cousin of Domitian), were probably Christians; charged with atheism and adoption of Jewish ways, they were punished (95) with death (Clemens) and exile (Domitilla).
to dot a landscape with cottages
[…]electing an African-American in a country where African-Americans make up 13 percent of the population required a candidate who appealed to nonblack voters.
These lodge poles were steadied by being lashed to a couple of cross poles whose arch conformed to the inner curve of the lodge. The covering was preferably made of mooseskins sewn together although caribouskins were used if the former were not available. Sometimes the upper part of the cover was of mooseskins while caribouskins were used for the sides.