The provision of one of the basic requirements, a prepared track, commonly called a loipe, is now a normal feature of almost every resort in the world.
Let me assure you, sir, that I will, in the interests of APANUA, continue the ceaseless fight against senseless acronymity, initialese, indecipherable abbreviation.
I eyed her. For sure she had some characteristics of a puella, but she wasn’t only that. […] “Listen,” I said, “my favorite aunt, my mother’s sister Marge, was a puella. As a grown woman she sat by the window for hours, gazing at the horizon. ‘One day,’ she would sigh, ‘my ship will come in.’ She lived in a small town on the prairies, a thousand miles from any sea. […] You see, puers and puellas are always about to make a change; one day they’ll do what’s necessary—but not just yet.[…]”
About 10 o'clock A.M. the second dabbing or washing was repeated, and was this time extended above the knees. Two more dabbings followed in the course of the day […]