After lighting a common fuse, the hwacha fired as many as a hundred arrows, all of which landed in a precise spot.
From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Brooklyn’s own ReggaeLution band will perform, and at 9, D.J. Lumumba (a k a Revolution) will preside over an inclusive Caribbean dance party, from bachata to zouk and back again.
Bloggers noted that when, in February 2005, California’s Barbara Boxer gave a speech on the floor of the Senate, she held in her hands notes that were a printout from, the eponymous blog by a professor of economics at UC, Berkeley. Conversely, mainstream photojournalism was shaken to its core by right-wing bloggers who pointed out errors, malfeasance, inconsistencies, miscaptions, and outright fakery in press “fauxtography” from the 2006 Israel–Lebanon war.
Being in point of fact a complete bundle of nerves and nothing else, his thin figure shook like a harp-string in painful excitement at a contretemps which would scarcely have quickened the pulse of an ordinary man.