Plus, there are about a thousand things that also could, or should get done in that time: a load of laundry, loading the dishwasher, tidying the kitchen, picking up a gagillion toys and blankies off the ground, restocking the change tables.
Thus, whereas the expected value of the hypergeometric random variable with parameters n, N, p is the same as that of the binomial random variable with parameters n, p, its variance is smaller than that of the binomial by the factor (N − n)/(N − 1).
Aggiss and Cowie are smash and grab artists, eclectically borrowing from a range of different dance and performance styles and making them into their own inimitable blended form.
He was talking about me all the time that day in Boston, standing with the bat boy, making cracks. That's all right but when he called me a busher in front of the whole Yank team and then challenged me, I had to fight.