Most of the passengers watched from the enclosed promenade deck, but Sandra found her way to the higher, open promenade where she shivered and watched the city lights fade and the stars sprinkle themselves across a dark blue velvet sky.
In “Chase,” Haas strikes a balance between evoking the brutal lives of the exploited mineworkers and acknowledging the murderousness of some of their deeds.
… visiting Young Republicans, who learned their manners in frat houses and who would surely be shitfaced and creating a scene—what Bush Advance was pleased to call a real goat fuck —but Advance knew, if Lindsay got to the rope line and asked the President elect to stop by, Bush would never say no to a friend, so then they'd have the Free World's Leaders-to-be in a YR goat fuck, …
Even the aesthetics of its interface, with a kind of Star Trek-like retrofuturism, makes users feel as if their computer is doing the things we imagined computers would be doing, rather than the humdrum business of typing, filing and storing.