He represented my quiddity I suppose – the part which, thanks to you, has converted a black pessimism about life into a belief in cosmic absurdity.
As for the General Character that Mr. B. endeavours to fix upon me, that I have no Learning, no Judgment, no Reasoning, no Knowledge in Books, except Index’s and Vocabularies, with many other Expressions of the utmost Contempt, that make up the greatest part of his Book, I do not think my self concern’d to answer them.
For Quintilian does not speak of such Index’s as Books have now-a-days : but after he had nam’d several of the Greek Poets, Homer, Antimachus, Euphorion, &c. […]
Among the reactions with which the child must learn to cope are overprotectiveness, overpermissiveness, anger or embarrassment, and rejection by society .
It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots.