But the town of Aricia (the modern La Riccia) was situated about three miles off, at the foot of the Alban Mount, and separated by a steep descent from the lake, which lies in a small crater-like hollow on the mountain side.
By contrast Levin's sequel, Rosemary's Son (1997), is an ill-conceived and misplotted attempt to imagine the future that awaits Rosemary's baby at the dawn of the millennium.
Indeed, we could clearly make out the arch and stony banks of this second cave, and, from their rent and jagged appearance, discovered that, like the first long passage down which we had passed through the cliff before we reached the quivering spur, it had, to all appearance, been torn in the bowels of the rock by the terrific force of some explosive gas.
It should be noted that all of these photoresponse performances such as the photocurrent, the detectivity, and the relative responsivity were quite improved compared to those of photodetectors based only on a single CdTe NW.