In the early 1950s two French physicians, J. Delay and P. Deniker, noted the remarkable calming effects of a new drug, chlorpromazine, which was initially tested as an agent to be given to patients prior to major surgery to relax them.
The opening words of the letter: “Very worthy and wellwished Friend .
Like Knowles, Andrew Klavan is another host for The Daily Wire who has referred to the coronavirus as “the kung flu.” On the July 22, 2020, edition of his show, he began by stating: “Senators continue to debate a new relief bill to deal with fallout from the Chinese flu, or wu flu, or kung flu, or flu manchu, or Chinese act of bacteriological warfare, or as they call it in Hollywood, ‘Thank you for the COVID-19, Mr. Producer, sir.’”
The Beckettian progression appears occasionally: while Miss Counihan (static) is an omnivorous reader and Murphy (transitional) a strict non-reader, Cooper is an analphabete.