You got your puppers and pupperinos, floofers and boofers, even the exotic noodle horse and cloud. Yes, there are many varieties of doggo, but don’t do yourself a confusion.
Samples were identified according to the standards of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (AWA) by consulting xylariums, glass plate archives, bibliographies and databases.
2019, Saima Bashir, Sohail Ahmad Saeed, “Contemporary Arab Petrofiction: Opening up Biopolitical Spaces for the Dispossessed”, in Postcolonial Interventions, volume 4, number 3, page 249passage=In the canon of Arabic literature, Munif ’s Cities of Salt and Kanafani’s Men in the Sun are a duo, exemplary of ground-breaking petrofiction.:
What are the parts of this prayer [the Lord's Prayer]? They are three. 1. A Preface of compellation for entrance into prayer, in the firſt words, Our Father which art in heaven, &c.