The demiurgi were next in power to the prætor, and therefore ſtiled by Polybius and Livy, the ſupreme magiſtrates of the Achæans. They were ten in number, choſen by the general aſſembly from among the moſt eminent men of the whole league for prudence, equity, and experience. It was their office to aſſiſt, with their advice, the prætor, who was to ſay nothing before the aſſembly, but what had been previouſly approved of by the major part of the demiurgi.
You are thinking that in ten minutes from now you must do something — or it may be tomorrow, or a week from next Tuesday. Sometimes you think a year ahead, ...
At this time the ſpring-tide of their mirth ſo drowned their ſouls; that the Turks coming in upon them, cut every one of their throats, to the number of twentie thouſand: and quickly they were ſtabbed with the ſword that were cup-ſhot before. A day which the Dutch may well write in their Kalendars in red letters died with their own bloud; when their camp was their ſhambles, the Turks their butchers, and themſelves the Martinmaſſe-beeves: from which the beaſtly drunkards differ but a little.
Pringle didn't say anything about Roger always being called Hodge. He sensed that Mr. Liddon wouldn't call him Hodge any more than he would call him Pringle. He was right. Parents well, are they, Peregrine? - - -
Hodge capered about, his thumbs in his ears and his hand flapping. Tweet, tweet, mad bird. His master chains him up like a dog. Tweet, tweet, birdie! I'd rather be a hunting falcon than Roger the lodger the sod, said Pringle.