The proportion of problems to bookwork done by the candidates is very various. The latter shows more reading, the former evince more natural Mathematical ability.
One could scarcely expect the man to know how to fly a helicopter.
A gage of ben Rom-bouse, / In a bousing-ken of Rom-vile, / Is benar than a Caster, / Pecke, pennam, lay, or popler, / Which we mill in deuse a vile.
[paraphrase] A pot of good wine, / In a pub of London, / Is better than a cloak, / Meat, bread, milk, or porridge, / Which we steal in the countryside.
Four beleggined kahki-clad pedestrains, leading a burro, passed through our valley the first of the week, and as they couldn’t give an intelligent answer as to their whereabouts, were supposed to be electrical engineers, running out a line from Valley Center to Loma Alta.