We existed in Adam, say they, we were a part of his subsistance; we ate the forbidden fruit in Adam, and were condemned for that sin, because it is in fact our own sin. And again by literally interpretting the figures, which represent believers as being one with Christ, members of his body of blood, and of his bones; these speculators represent them as partaking in the benefits of his redemption, because they are substantially one with him, and in fact nothing more that Christ evolved.
The numbers of the French have been greatly magnified, as your Honor may see by a copy of the enclosed journal of a person, whom I sent out to gain intelligence.
LA's most popular “race music” radio shows featured a white disc jockey, Hunter Hancock, from Texas. He featured black artists on his “Harlem Matinee,” which aired every afternoon starting at four.
Many of the strong connections with aunts exist because this role is more negotiable, flexible, and adaptable than parenting, Sotirin says. And aunts don’t necessarily have to be related, either, hence the new verb, aunting, a set of practices that supports personal, familial and community bonds through material, emotional, and symbolic means.