Auxosporulation [is] the formation of an auxospore...usually a zygote, produced by diatoms, which expands to near the maximum size of a given species.
Moreouer the perfit beleue of this article, worketh in all true chriſten people, aloue to continue in this vnitie, and afeare to be caſte out of the ſame, and it worketh in them that be ſinners and repentant, great comforte, and conſolacion, to obteine remiſſion of ſinne, by vertue of Chriſtes paſſion, and adminiſtracion of his ſacramentes at the miniſters handes, ordained for that purpoſe, …
A strain is a catch-all term for a tear, and Posada’s is located in the subscapularis muscle.
Cranmer’s final run started with a bar spin on the drop in, a double-whip flip, a no-hand front flip and finally the flair whip; a trick that left him bloodied in Florida at a Dew Cup event two years ago.
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