“This Irisher give ′im a Liverpool Kiss. You know what it is, a Liverpool Kiss? Make a quick grab for the lapels o′ the coat, an′ pull somebody forward. At the same time bunt ′im in the face miv the top o′ your ′ead an′ kick ′im in the balls miv your knee. Naturally ′e falls forward. While ′e′s falling, punch ′im in the jaw miv all your might so he gradually falls dahn senseless. Then, at your leisure, kick ′im in the ′ead. Naturally I don′t want you should do such things.... […] ″
=Cuckoo buds of yellow hue / Do paint the meadows with delight.
My struggle-buggy was getting to look like a rinky-dink old tin can on wheels, so when I got back to Chicago that Fall I traded it in for a Willys Knight brougham sedan.
The company is also developing a reboot of The Thomas Crown Affair, and Mr. Jordan will make his directorial debut with an adaptation of The Stars Beneath Our Feet. It was not immediately known whether the inclusion rider would apply to those projects and others underway.