To take just the most salient instance, the letters or other elements of such systems owe their shapes to a number of quite distinct factors: to physical factors (whether they're set down with a brush or a pen, for instance); to cognitive factors (how they have been affected by human misrecollection and misrecovery); to perceptual factors (how they have been kept distinguishable); and even to esthetic factors (how they fit, when they assumed their final shapes, the cultural values of the time).
The Difference is, that inſtead of Dirt and Poiſon, we have rather choſe to fill our Hives with Honey and Wax, thus furniſhing Mankind with the two Nobleſt of Things, which are Sweetneſs and Light.
Then he stomped his sandaled foot on the gas, and the car lurched ahead.
Grammar.—“So you have finished your studies at the seminary? I was much pleased with the closing exercises. The author of that poem—Miss White, I think you called her—bids fair to become a known poet.” / “We think the authoress will become celebrated as a poetess,” remarked the young lady, pertly, with marked emphasis on two words of the sentence. / “Oh!—ah,” replied the old gentleman looking thoughtfully over his gold spectacles at the young lady: “I hear her sister was quite an actress, and under Mr. Hosmer’s instructions will undoubtedly become quite a sculptoress.” / The young lady appeared irritated. / “The seminary,” continued the old man, with imperturbable gravity, “is fortunate in having an efficient board of manageresses. From the presidentess down to the humblest teacheress, unusual talent is shown. There is Miss Harper, who as a chemistress is unequaled, and Miss Knowles has already a reputation as an astronomeress. And in the department of music, few can equal Miss Kellogg as a singeress.” / The young lady did not appear to like the chair she was sitting on. She took the sofa at the other end of the room. / “Yes,” continued the old gentleman, as if talking to himself, “those White sisters are very talented; Mary, I understand, has turned her attention to music and the drama, and will become famous as an actress and painteress, and even as a lecturess.” / A loud slamming of the door caused the old gentleman to look up, and the criticess and grammarianess was gone.