This profound intimacy of interlocking detail is disrupted, however, by externally imposed meanings and uses: (1) the captive body as the source of an irresistible, destructive sensuality; (2) at the same time -- in stunning contradiction-- it is reduced to a thing, to being for the captor; (3) in this distance from a subject position, the captured sexualities provide a physical and biological expression of “otherness”; (4) as a category of “otherness,” the captive body translates into a potential for pornotroping and embodies sheer physical powerlessness that slides into a more general powerlessness, resonating through verious centers of human and social meaning.
And therefore would I ſhould be algates ſlaine, / For while I liue, his right is in ſuſpence.
Shepard, it's been two years since you had a job. Isn't it time you rectified that?
Exciting opportunities await Alliance citizens like you on the outworld colonies.
In a voice exaggeratively loud and cheerful, he broke the bottomless silence and made conversation.