Some rock encrusters can occupy large areas and impart new morphological, biological, and geological characteristics upon the environment they settled. Probably the most widespread encrusters along karst coastlines are coralline red algae […]
There hathe bene alate ſuche tales ſpreade abroade, and moſt vntruly, ſuch falſe taletellers ſhal haue a greuous puniſhement of the Lord whan he ſhall come to rewarde euerye one according vnto his deſertes.
[B]akers in Gouda […] were perfecting their well-known diamond patterned stroopwafels (syrup waffles ) which were handmade in Gouda for more than three centuries, lore says, as a way to make use of sugar refinery by-products. Stroopwafels, in spite of their name, are not waffles as North Americans know them. Goudse stroopwafels are another form of cookie, a buttery yeasted iron-baked cookie-dough wafer sliced in half and filled with a unique warm toffee-like mixture of molasses or treacle, sugar, butter, vanilla, and cinnamon, then joined together again.