Seeing as how 'all things' was one of my first forays into feeling noromoish, I can't quite agree with you on that part of the equation.
[…] the elbow cop or coudiere for the elbow; and the rerebrace or arriere-bras for the upper arm. The shoulder cop, pauldron or epauliere which covered the shoulder, and often a large part of the breast and back, was usually considered a part of the arm guard.
This includes plans to run earlier [Sunday] services on the Derby to Crewe and Skegness routes, which will require Network Rail to open signal boxes on these lines earlier than at present.
Like the area in California that Miss Zappa has immortalized, it is a well-to-do, upper-middle-class community with enough boutiques, clothing shops, shoe shops, fur shops, jewelry shops and chocolatiers to fill several hours a week in the life of those most conspicuous of consumers, the Valley Girls of Long Island, who are sometimes referred to simply as Island Vals.