bichrome, bicoloured, dichromatic, duocolor, two-tone
WHERE AS before this tyme dyverse Actis of Parliament have byn made by the Kyngis most noble pgenitours agaynst forstallers and regratours of vytaile and other marchaundisez in markettis and fayres within this Realme of Englonde, […] Be it therfore enactid by auctorite of this psent parliament that noo maner of pson or psones of what estate degree or condicion he or they be, other then suche pson or psones as nowe be or herafter shalbe marchaunt venterers to Iselande, for the seid fysshe, […] shall bye any of the kindes of the seid fysshe at or [apon] the stone or at the seyd easte see syde or easte see costis, to sell the same fysshe agayn or any parte therof at any of the seid fayre or fayres callid Sturbrigge feyre Sancte Ives or Elye fayre; […]
a vexatious litigant
People from different regions of China have their own preferences in tea drinking. Northerners prefer jasmine tea, those from the Shanghai area prefer green tea, the Fukienese and Cantonese favor the heavily flavored Pouchong, the people of Szechuan, Yunnan and Kwangsi like the brick tea of Puerh, while in Taiwan, the traditional taste for green and Pouchong teas is widening to include black and Oolong.
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