Our experience with Joost and Babelgum made us think that the services should add more televisionlike content to expand the range of people who might watch.
Boy, I hope your wife really put her foot down with you and made you get a
vasectomy! Men have no damned right to determine their own lives; the idea
that they do is ugly anarchic propoganda put forth by masculinazis.
Those who arrogate to themselves the appellation of orthodox Hahnemannians have travelled far away, under the guidance of Gross, into the mystic regions of the 200th, 800th, and 10,000th dilutions, while the section, by the former styled specifickers, have gradually descended to the lowest numerals in the scale of dilutions until they have attained their ultima Thule in the Schmidian tinctures and first triturations.
Shottas may act as independent gunmen or may be under the rule of particular dons.