
Hypopygium of ♂♂ remarkably and conspicuously large, in form of an oval, box-like structure, with tergite 9 and anal lobes constituting the lid, but the tergite itself immovably united on each side basally to sternite 9; latter sternite enormously developed and also as described for this species, boat-like, shell-like, keeled below, with a projecting process or prong on each side postero-dorsally, posteriorly vertically deeply incised (V-shaped), the upper angles or corners of the incision (or posterior angles of sides of sternite 9) prominent, rounded, or broadly projecting upwards under the apical part of posterior lateral lobes of lid-like tergite 9 (this latter condition described by me for the type-species gaerdesi (Hesse 1972: 162, fig. 6 right) as an obvolvent structure connected or fused to tergite 9 may probably not be united to tergite 9 at all, for it could not be seen as an unconnected structure in the old dried ♂ holotype)


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