Both these girls had beautiful brown curls quite in contrast to my carrotish blonde straight hair.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who personally gave the order to go ahead with the satellite shootdown Wednesday, told reporters in Hawaii on Thursday that he was prepared to share some details of the operation with China to ease its concerns that the debris might still prove dangerous.
According to the age of the attracting person homosexuals are divisible into ephebophiles (lovers of youths, 14-21), androphiles (grown men up to the period of old age), gerontophiles (lovers of the aged) and pedophiles (lovers of small boys). The two latter are not as conspicuous as the two former, which compromise 45 per cent of the whole. The corresponding divisions in women are parthenophiles (lovers of young women, virgins), gynecophiles (lovers of adult women), grasphiles (lovers of old women), and korophiles (lovers of undeveloped girls).
When I think of the love my father never gave me I feel encased in a veil with steel threads. … Sometimes a happy thought can make me jump for joy, but I must be careful: if I jump too high, I'll bump into the veil. It doesn't hurt, but it always tinges my joy with sadness.