The eye comes from the croissantlike truncation of a woman’s head in Picasso’s 1936 “Straw Hat With Blue Leaves,” a form Mr. Johns has worked with for years.
This last he explained to me once, though the explanation didn't matter much, not next to the feeling of those low hairy clouds and the sea bashing itself against the shore. The explanation, in fact, made the poem less wonderful, ...
, vol.I, New York 2001, p.233-4:
Cnelius a physician being sent for, found his costiveness alone to be the cause, and thereupon gave him a clyster, by which he was speedily recovered.
He ground his tractor into reverse and backed away from the blower faster than he usually did, backing the eighteen-foot-long , ten-ton load to a point where he could remaneuver and come in correctly.