She's a sort of pretend auntie - an old friend of Mummy's. Her real name's Miss Penelope Gill but we always call her Gillie.
Don't you ever let her hear you calling her Penelope! said Mrs Lindsay, laughing. She hates the name, though really I can't see why. I suppose it wasn't so fashionable when she was young.
A larg concors ware standing round
For this is not only derogatory unto the wisdom of God, who hath proposed the World unto out knowledge, and thereby the notion of Himself; but also detractory unto the intellect, and sense of man expressedly disposed for that inquisition.
1952: To construct such a house, it is necessary to select an oak with a branch growing out at an angle of about 45°; the upper part of the tree, above the fork, having been cut off, the trunk and branch are roughly squared and divided in half . If the two halves are then placed opposite one another, with the branch ends pegged together, they constitute what was usually known as a 'cruck' or, more correctly, 'a pair of crucks'. — L.F. Salzman, Building in England, p. 195.