The Mexica do not sing alabanzas, thus any recent Mexica-ization, or rather Aztecization, of existing alabanzas (or the newly written) is the result of the Concheros' increased interest in the Aztec past and their desire to celebrate it.
Probably he points out that the east room, used as oikos, is wider and shorter than the classical narrow and long megaron form. Although this house is interpreted as two megarons side by side, Akurgal [4] also states that the east wall of the space XIV is added later to the building, which means that the east part is not a megaron, but a rectangular room at the first construction phase.
Jakers, but we worked. With a long breath she shut her eyes. But it was too much for one woman and a half-grown girl […]
But what should the Obama Cult do now? The man has turned off the switch on the Hopenosis and has revealed the Change Brigade for the useful idiots they were.