The chattering, irrational brute of the subconscious clothes itself in the tattered garments of rationality and idealism.
Personal reflections are also found in traveloguelike, popularized autobiographical accounts of fieldwork that are clearly separated from the serious and scholarly ethnography.
By Frogges I understand not such as arising from putrifaction, are bred without copulation, and because they subsist not long, are called Temporariae; nor doe I meane hereby the little Frogge of an excellent Parrat-green, that usually sits on trees and bushes, and is therefore called Ravunculus viridis, or Arboreus; but hereby I understand the aquatile or water Frogge whereof in ditches and standing plashes, wee may behold many millions every Spring in England;
Of course violence against women is not limited to Islamic countries but Islamic countries have become stigmatised as being mysogynist societies which are inherently anti-women.