For quotations using this term, see Citations:white privilege.
Welcome to the subway system of New York, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, or commonly called the MTA by everyone but the residents who will simply tell you they get on a train or ride the subway because in Manhattan all rail transport is underground unlike the outlying boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx where the trains climb out of this subterrain and are raised above ground on rail tracks supported by steel girders, hence the El, common speak for the elevated.
Fruit mince moon cakes […] Over the years, the Chinese moon cake has evolved into a variety of treats with different fillings. To cater to the health-conscious, many bakeries also offer miniature moon cakes and sugar-free moon cakes. I have used a fruit mince filling to make these moon cakes a little more familiar to the European palate, but you do need a moon cake mould to make these.
So we’re stuck with two camera categories: pocket ones that take mediocre pictures and big heavy black ones (S.L.R.’s) that take stunning photos but require a neckstrap or, ideally, a wheelbarrow.