It was entirely proper and in order to slay a deer or two while in the deer woods, and they did bring in a choice specimen or two for camp use or for friends at home. But Fernaldus was touched with ursimania. He would become an ursicide. The notion of possessing a bearskin rug pleased his fancy, and over the hill, in a tangle beside the brook, he had come across fresh signs of a monster Bruin.
And the barbarous people ſhewed vs no little kindneſſe: for they kindled a fire, and receiued us euery one becauſe of the preſent raine, and becauſe of the cold.
But of all the modern Historians there is not anyone has writ with a greater observance of the fenceful Character, than Mariana in his History of Spain.
Because there was fellow-feeling of old in merry England, in county and in town; and these are Devon men, and men of Bideford, whose names are Amyas Leigh of Burrough, John Staveley, Michael Heard, and Jonas Marshall of Bideford, and Thomas Braund of Clovelly: and they, the first of all English mariners, have sailed round the world with Francis Drake, and are come hither to give God thanks.