This classification encompasses the shape of the RPE elevation (convex, ie, dome-shaped; concave, ie, pointed; or saw-toothed), the reflectivity of the druse (low, medium, or high, in relation to the photoreceptor layer), the homogeneity of the druse's content (homogeneous reflectivity, inhomogeneous with central core/focus of hyperreflectivity and inhomogeneous without a central core), and the presence or absence of hyperreflective foci above the druse.
Patients admitted to hospital under a hospital order without a restriction order are treated largely the same as patients detained on the basis of an application for admission for treatment under section 3.
I then glanced round the room; and besides the bedstead and centre table, could see no other furniture belonging to the place, but a rude shelf, the four walls, and a papered fireboard representing a man striking a whale.
[…], whence it is evident, that the general ſolution to the XXVIIth Problem, does not include the particular caſe propoſed.