[A] Venire facias is the foundation and Cauſa ſine qua non, of a Jury (I mean in Civil Causes; for in Criminals, as upon Indictments, the Justices of Gaol-Delivery, give a general Command to Sheriff, to cauſe the Country to come against their coming, and take the Pannels of the Sheriff, without any Proceſs directed to him; yet Proceſs may be made againſt the Jury, though it is not much uſed.[…]) I will firſt recite the Writ in terminis, the rather becauſe I intend to order my Diſcourse, according to the method of the Writ. / Rex. &c. Vic. B. Salutem. Præcipimus tibi quod venire facias coram Juſticiariis noſtris de Banco apud Weſtm. tali die, duodecim liberos & legales homines de vicinet. de C. quorum quilibet habeat quatuor libras terræ, […]